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Cavegirl Has Hammer, Will Nail!

July 6, 2011

Yesterday I woke up with determination to do something for myself. After running around getting kids ready for daycare and hubby ready for work I dropped by my local hardware store. Today was the day I was going to make my own plyometric box!

What’s a plyometric box you ask?

It’s a box that you use to jump up on during workouts, it’s a sturdy little piece of equipment that if used properly will kill! Simply put it’s a box that you jump up on, landing on two feet at the same time. Then you jump down, and then jump back up and keep on repeating this pattern until your legs fall off (or your butt dies on you).

And so I made my own, by myself, with very little stress. There was no swearing, hitting self with hammer, or even losing nails/screws (as per allowing hubby to help me do anything). Nope, none of that, just me making a box. And it’s turned out great.

My teens came down to help hold the sides together while I hammered (okay so I had a slightly tiny bit of help). Once it was done I asked them to jump up on it. They both looked at me then balked and said they couldn’t. I told them they could do it, but still they said it was ‘too high’. Then they said “you’re not going to jump up on that are you?” Instead of answering I jumped up and then replied “yeah I think I just might, now you try”… (don’t mess with the lady with the hammer kiddos!)

I will post pictures up of my beloved plyo box later on. I’m just stoked, Cavegirl gets a hammer.

While strolling through the shops two days ago I came across a jar of “fish oil jellies” that apparently don’t taste like fish oil. I have tried for nearly a year to get my kids to take fish oil with nary a success. In fact some of the kids clothes had to be thrown out because they threw up the fish oil I’d given them and I couldn’t get the smell out of the clothes (lucky they were old ones). On a whim I bought a jar and brought them home to test. The kids love them. They think that they are lollies (candy for my american friends) and want more than the usual dosage.  Now I know they  might not be the best type of fish oil to get into my kids but at least we’re getting somewhere. And their Kindy teacher remarked that for the last two days Mr4 has been remarkable in his playing well with other children and talking/interacting with teachers etc. Even Miss4 has improved. Fish oil, gotta love it, especially when the kids beg to take their daily lot.

Oh and I had an even bigger win! My gluten free/casein free bread recipe worked! Yay! My kids took sandwiches to school and my teens stopped complaining about not having bread.


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